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    Entries in Life Insurance (2)


    Final Expense Planning

    Benjamin Franklin is credited with the now common saying that the only two certain things in life are death and taxes.  As much as we don’t like to think about death, it is certain.  The question is, how are you going to be prepared?  How you answer this question has a significant impact on your family.  During a time of grieving and major life change, the last thing you want your spouse or family to be worrying about is how to cover your final expenses.  A final expense life insurance policy is the best solution to this situation. 

    A final expense life insurance policy is distinguished from many other types of insurance by two characteristics.  First, they are generally written for a smaller death benefit – usually $3,000 to $30,000.  Second, they generally have very simplified underwriting.  This means no physical exams and, in most cases, no requirements for medical records.  Here are a few other noteworthy facts regarding final expense policies that make them a great fit for managing your final expenses:

    • Benefits are paid directly to a beneficiary of your choice.
    • Benefits are generally paid within a few days of notification of death.
    • Benefits are tax free.
    • Benefits are restriction-free; they can be used for any purpose.
    • Application for a Final Expense coverage is quick and does not require a medical exam.
    • Your premium is guaranteed never to increase and your policy value is guaranteed to never decrease.
    • Your policy also accrues cash value.
    • It is impossible to save faster than a life insurance policy. 

    Call or email us today for a quote to see how little it will cost to provide for your family in their greatest time of need.


    Funeral Help

    "There's a sucker born every minute."  While it's an old saying, it stands true today, and it can mean only one thing: there's also a con-man born every minute.  There are a million ways to lose money.  Whether by mail-order scams, internet scams, or identity theft, there is always someone trying to come between you and your hard-earned money.  So one would think that something as sacred as a funeral would be exempt from such behavior, right?  Unfortunately, no.

    Funeral and final expense-related scams are disturbingly prevalent and surprisingly effective.  From bait and switch tactics to trumped up "protective casket seals", planning your final arrangements will require some knowledge of the process and, undoubtedly, some discernment. 

    It is for this reason that we are providing a resource to help shed some light on these matters.  The Funeral Help Program ( was created as a consumer information source for all things funereal.  They are well established and have some great advice to consider.  In all fairness, you should know that they do sell some funeral planning software, as well as a small book; however, they provide a lot of information for free right on their website. 

    It is our job to help you plan ahead and the have the funds available to cover final expense costs; hopefully you will find this group helpful in making the best use of that money.